Janett Edrington

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  • “What a relief!
    Finally, our policies are
    easy to understand and administer!"

Fun and Laughter

Help in a Hurry!

Do you sometimes feel as if you run from one crisis to the next…while the stack of “to-dos” and projects grows ever bigger? You need some help!

When your day-to-day responsibilities don’t leave much room for projects, you may not be able to afford to wait until you have the time to complete them. When you need special expertise or simply must get it done, call Common Sense Workplace! We’ll work with you to deliver professional results in a timely manner.

We always focus on solutions that reduce risk, save money and improve productivity…you take the bows! Here are some ways we can help:

  • Compliance Audits - With so many regulations and requirements, it’s easy to miss something. Be proactive!  An HR Tune-Up from the friendly folks at Common Sense Workplace is MUCH better than an audit from a government agency investigating a violation!  Our audit results include recommendations that can help you establish HR priorities.

  • HR On Call - When you have a sticky situation, it’s always nice to get a second opinion. Tap into our experience and a different perspective with a quick call or email to Common Sense Workplace.

  • Employee handbooks,companion guides for supervisors and related policies and rules.

  • Performance Management Programs – Evaluations, goal-setting and all the day-to-day help to increase performance at every level.